Getting your oil changed is an important part of owning a vehicle. Cars need oil in order to drive properly, and it can be difficult or even dangerous to drive a car that does not have enough oil. However, it can be hard for car owners to know when the right time is to get their oil changed. Continue reading to learn more about why oil changes are important and when you should get your next oil change.
What Is Oil Used For In A Vehicle
Oil is essential to have in any vehicle for several reasons. First of all, oil acts as a lubricant for your engine. Your engine needs to be lubricated in order to decrease the friction between the different parts of the engine. A well-oiled engine will also be able to prevent any energy from escaping the engine before it is used for its purpose. The parts of your vehicle will be able to move much easier and smoother. Lastly, the oil protects your engine by making sure that the separate parts of the engine do not rub against each other and eventually break due to excessive wear.
When To Get Your Oil Changed
There are many ways that you can tell when it is time to get your oil changed. The classic standard was to come in every three months, but with modern engine materials and updated oil quality, this is no longer always the case.
Individual Situation Factors
The first thing that is important to note is that every person’s situation will be different when it comes to when they will need to replace their oil. The frequency of oil changes will depend on how often the vehicle is driven, your personal driving habits, how old your vehicle is, and the kind of oil that is used.
Number Of Miles
A general rule of thumb that many mechanics use to tell customers when they should come back in for another oil change is every 3,000 miles. This works out to about six months for most people. However, as previously mentioned, the time between auto maintenance visits will depend on other factors, so six months could mean three months for one person or nine months for another.
Pay Attention To The Check Engine Light
There is an indicator that has been designed specifically to tell you when there is a problem with your engine or when you need to get your oil changed. This is called the “check engine” light. This light will typically be orange or yellow and will be in the shape of an engine. Sometimes the words “check” or “service engine” will accompany the engine shape. When you see this light pop up on your dashboard, you should get going to the mechanic as soon as possible.
Does Your Vehicle Need Its Oil Changed?
If your vehicle is in need of an oil change, we at Paskett Automotive are at your service. We provide a variety of different car repair and maintenance services, including oil changes and routine maintenance options. Our technicians are knowledgeable, thorough, and experienced, meaning that they will be able to keep your vehicle in the best possible condition. For more information or to schedule an appointment to get your oil changed, feel free to reach out to us at Paskett Automotive today!