Brakes are one of the most important parts of the car. When an individual first learns how to drive a car, the brake and the gas pedals are the two most important lessons that they will learn. As a safety feature, brakes are extremely effective, assuming they are working properly. In order to keep yourself and your family safe when driving in your car, it is vital to understand how brakes work and what to do if something causes your brakes to stop working properly.

How Do Brakes Work?
As the mechanism used to slow down the car, brakes are extremely important. A brake use hydraulics to convert the energy causing the car to move to change into heat. When you press on the brake, a piston pushes hydraulic fluid into several metal pipes called lines. These pipes press against a brake caliper or wheel cylinder ending which end up squeezing a brake shoe against the brake drums. The action of the brake shoe against the brake drums is what gives the car enough friction to stop.
While it is not really necessary to understand all parts of how brakes work, it is important to have a simple understanding so that you can explain to a mechanic what seems to be wrong when your car has an issue.
Brake Problems You Should Look Out For
There are several problems that could occur that are important to look out for. One of the best indicators that there may be a problem with your brakes is a strange noise coming from them. Any screeching, rubbing, grinding or squealing noises are likely telling you important information about your brakes. These noises tend to be signs that your brake pads and shoes need to be checked out.
If it takes a lot of pressure to get the brake to engage or you have to press the brake pedal down further for the brake work, then it is likely that your brake pad is starting to wear down. It is important to get your brakes changed out or at least checked out at this point in order to avoid losing complete control of your vehicle. Another potential brake problem that you should keep an eye out for is vibrating or pulsating issues. Vibrating in your steering wheel or brakes could cause your rotors to get warped.
Also be on the lookout for if your brake light comes on. This is an obvious indication of your brakes having a difficult time. Visit a mechanic as soon as possible if you notice that your brake light has turned on. Lastly, if you notice that there is a burning smell when you press down on the brake pedal, or just in general, then it is crucial to immediately get in contact with your mechanic. Unusual smells are never a good sign, and driving a car when there are pungent smells could potentially be very dangerous for your health or for the safety of the car.
What To Do If Your Brakes Break
If your brakes go out or are manifesting one of the previous issues, then your first order of business is to get in contact with a mechanic. Brake issues are not a joke. If there is a problem with your brakes, then we at Paskett Auto would be more than happy to take a look at them. We offer several premium brake services including brake light diagnosis, brake pad and shoe inspections, brake replacements, brake fluid exchanges and more. If you are in need of a brake repair, feel free to reach out to us today.