Summertime is the best time to work on getting your car troubles taken care of. Nothing is worse than driving around town in the wintertime with a car that has issues. If you take care of most of your car maintenance issues before the winter season, then you will keep your car in the best possible condition. There are things that you can do on a regular basis that will improve and maintain the function of your car. Continue reading to learn some important car maintenance tips.
Rotate Your Tires

One of the ways you can keep your car in good condition is to rotate your tires frequently. Tires wear down at different rates based on where they are located on your car, so changing the position of your tires occasionally can improve the longevity of your tires and your vehicle. We recommend getting your tires rotated every 3,000 to 4,000 miles. Get your tires rotated this summer to ensure that your tires will be in good shape to be driving on the hot asphalt.
Read The Owner’s Manual
We know, we know. Manuals are no fun to read and can be rather technical and boring. However, reading your manual can help you figure out how your vehicle should be operating usually and when something may be wrong. The manual can also give you a ton of maintenance tips including when to get an oil change, where to find different parts of your car, and what certain sounds and smells might mean. The owner’s manual can be found in your car’s glove compartment or online on the manufacturer’s website.
Change Your Refrigerant
A terrible feeling to have in the summertime is to walk to your car after a hot day in the sun to enter the oven that is your car. While it is important to be patient for the car to cool down, if your car just does not seem to get cool anymore, you definitely have a problem. Getting your car’s air conditioner’s refrigerant changed regularly will ensure that your car can cool down quickly and efficiently.
Replace Your Windshield Wipers
It might seem counterintuitive to get your windshield wipers and washer fluid changed in the summertime when there is less precipitation, but that is exactly why it is a good idea. The worst possible situation is for rain and snow to show up unexpectedly in the autumn and for your car to not be prepared. Dust and pollen can also collect on the surface of your windshield, obstructing your view. Having adequate washer fluid and working windshield wipers is important in this situation.
Seek The Shade
Now, this tip might seem like a no-brainer and more about keeping you cool than maintaining your car. While it is true that parking in the shade will help keep you cooler when you return to your vehicle, parking in sheltered areas can also protect your car from the sun. Extreme heat can and the sun’s rays can damage the paint job on your vehicle. Park in the shade as often as possible to avoid damage from the sun.
Do You Need Car Maintenance?
If you need car maintenance or repairs, feel free to reach out to us at Paskett Auto. We can help with engine problems, air conditioning repairs, suspension issues, brake repairs, and general maintenance and repairs. Not only do we provide many high-quality maintenance services, but our team is also extremely knowledgeable and experienced. If you have a problem with your vehicle or it’s time that you have your car looked at, feel free to reach out to us at Paskett Auto today.