When you buy a car, especially an older car, there are several different car noises that you should be on the lookout for. Noises that come from your car can indicate that there is a problem that needs to be taken care of. If you notice one of the following car noises or are concerned about how well your car is functioning, it should be taken into an auto shop. We at Paskett Auto employ many experienced and professional individuals who can identify any strange noises, find the source of the noises, and repair the problem that is causing them.
Different Types of Car Noises
There are many different types of car noises that can be concerning. If you can learn to identify the sounds, or simply recognize which sounds could possibly be worrisome, it will help you avoid further damage to your vehicle or getting into possible situations where you, your passengers, or other cars could be put in danger. Following are several car noises to look out for.

Humming or Droning Sound
The first car noise you should be on the lookout for is a humming or droning sound when you are accelerating. This sound could be the result of an issue with your tires. Your tires could be leaking air or wearing out. If this is the case, your tires will likely need to be replaced. Your car differential could also be in need of lubrication or your transmission could be failing. With any of these issues, you will need to visit an automotive repair shop.
Squeaking Sounds
Squeaking sounds when you are turning the wheel of your vehicle are likely due to a problem with your power steering system. Many times the squeaking sound will be accompanied by a difficulty turning the wheel. If it is the case that the sound is coming from turning the wheel, then the problem is most likely being caused by the power steering fluid being low or the pump could be failing.
If the sound is not coming when you are turning the wheel and seems to be emulating from underneath your hood, then the sound could be caused by a worn or damaged belt. If you are hearing a squeaking sound, be sure to take your car into the shop to ensure that long-term damage can be avoided.
Rumbling Sounds
If your car is producing a rumbling sound there are a variety of potential reasons why it is happening. One potential problem that could be the cause of rumbling sounds in your car is dirty fuel injectors. For your engine to work properly, it needs fuel and air. Dirty fuel injectors can inhibit the fuel from getting to the engine. Your air filter may also be dirty, which would inhibit air from getting to the engine.
Another possible problem could be that the spark plugs that are used to ignite the fuel could be faulty or old. If that is the case, then it is important to get them replaced. If you have a dirty air filter or fuel injector, your mechanic may be able to clean them or may recommend that you get them replaced.
Roaring Sound
A roaring sound could be the result of your exhaust system failing. If your muffler is not working properly, then it is possible that the engine’s sounds could be conducted into the car, resulting in a loud roar. If the roaring sound is coming when you are accelerating, then it is likely that there is a crack in your exhaust system. A problem with a crack in your exhaust system is that it could also allow carbon monoxide into the interior of your car.
Having Problems With Your Car?
If you are noticing issues with your car including notice strange or concerning noises, then it may be time to visit a mechanic at an auto body repair shop. We at Paskett Auto are happy to be at your service. We have several experienced mechanics that are very knowledgeable about cars and potential problems that could be causing strange sounds. We also offer other repair and maintenance services. For more information, contact us today.